Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Honey Onyx Offering/Devoltional Bowl by MM

Honey Onyx Offering/Devoltional Bowl by MM
 The name Onyx comes from the Greek word onux, meaning fingernail. The story is that one day frisky Cupid cut the divine fingernails of Venus with an arrowhead while she was sleeping. He left the clippings scattered on the sand and the Fates turned them into stone so that no part of the Goddess would ever perish.
 Meaning: Onyx is a form of chalcedony; therefore it brings harmony to the mind, body, emotions, and spirit. It is a sacred stone to Native American tribes; used to promote stability during ceremonies. Its nurturing energy promotes goodwill to others and alleviates hostility, irritability, and melancholy - replacing it with generosity, responsiveness and receptivity. 
Onyx initiates grounding/centering and alignment with the Gods. It helps the barer to absorb the energies they need from the Universe. Cleanses the third eye and strengthens the connection with ones intuition helping one to both see and feel the guidance. It can be used to see the future, while keeping one rooted in reality. Helps one to recognize and balance the yin yang aspects of their personality. Helps one to see their personal strengths and become the master of their future. Banishes grief, enhances self-control, stimulates wise decision-making, and encourages happiness and good fortune. (metaphysical information verified through "Love is in the Earth; a kaleidoscope of crystals" by Melody)

Natural Healers use Onyx to maintain focus, protect and facilitate peace during any battle or conflict, as well as provide protection from psychic attack.
Bowls, like the chalice/cup, represent the Goddess and are associated with the elements of water and earth. They are a tool essential to witches; they may be used for offerings, wishes, consecration and scrying:
-Place this bowl on your altar with things like fruit, flowers, gemstones, incense, oils, water and shells to welcome your honored guest into your home. 
-Write your wishes on a piece of paper and place it inside the bowl while focusing on your desire; add oils, herbs, or other items that will assist your magickal intent.. use your bowl as your magickal vessel until manifestation, then burn or bury the paper and cleanse your bowl for its next use.
-You can fill your bowl with water for scrying purposes, or add specific herbs, salt, and/or oils for purification and consecration purposes. 

What To Wear?

Wondering what the other witches are wearing this season? Check out this treasury. Our Fairy/Faery Tutu Apron (modeled by my beautiful sister) has been included with all the other talented designers and their beautiful garments. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Water Element treasury list by The Sisters Elemental

We are truly honored to have our abalone shell included in an extremely beautiful Water Element treasury list today. Please take a moment to click and see all the talented creations that celebrate the sacred womb of the Mother.   

(Brilliant theme, I am envious I didn't think of it! lol)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Our Rose Quartz Sphere been featured in a treasury on Etsy! Such talented Etsians out there. Check it out. http://www.etsy.com/treasury/MTIyOTUxMDF8MjAxMjUzMjQ1Mg/a-visit-to-the-lapidary