Monday, September 16, 2013

Four 'Thieves' Vinegar (recipes, lore, uses)

I realize there is some debate in the community about the Burning times. So I will give my educated summary first, which leads to the point of sharing the Four Thieves potion.

'The Burning times refer to the Witch Hunts in Europe that began with the publishing of the Malleus Maleficarum (witches hammer) in 1486 which gave instructions on ‘how to find us, try us, torture us and dispose of us properly’. It lasted 300yrs. (Trying people for Witchcraft in this manner also took place in the US with the Salem witch trials in 1692. And continues to this day in newly Christianized areas like Africa and New Guinea)
Although others were falsely accused during the witch hunts, the intent and ultimate result was still the persecution and genocide of those who practiced traditional Earth based spiritual beliefs of original European tribes/clans (often the poor/presents, women, and healers) and anything associated with them. For example: Any cat that was found was tried as a witch's familiar and killed. The lack of cats to kill rodents made their population flourish, fleas jumped from one to the next feeding on infected rodents and the plague spread like wildfire = Oh but “it MUST have been a curse" so more Witches were found and tortured/killed…

Four ‘thieves’ vinegar is a famous traditional potion.. the lore is pretty consistent about how it came to be known for fighting the plague. However, I have a feeling that was not actually how it happened. I believe the four witches that gave the gift of this protection were called thieves so that the church authorities could save face. Luckily the magick of their protective potion saved people and thus their lives.. Either way, at least ONE of our ancient remedies made it through time intact.Since then many variations have evolved. These are some of them and their uses:

(Click on the pic and it will expand)

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